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Hollywood United Neighborhood Council
Education and Youth Committee Meeting
January 10, 2006
Meeting called to order at 6:15pm.

1. Welcome: Attending members introduced themselves.

2. New Business:

  • Fundraising Ideas: This agenda item was tabled to a future meeting, as some stakeholders interested in this discussion were unable to attend the meeting.

3. Old Business

  • A. Update on Video to Support Parents: At the December meeting, Lucia Jamieson, an elementary teacher, presented a video she created to provide tips to Spanish-speaking parents for assisting their children with schoolwork.  The committee currently is waiting to receive input from Cheremoya Elementary staff regarding their interest in using such a video to provide support to Cheremoya parents.
  • B. Service Projects for Youth For Possible Action: The committee brainstormed possible ideas to involve students in service projects in the community.  The ideas were as follows:
    • Clean-ups at beaches, parks, LA river, and streets within the neighborhood
    • Work with senior groups: making artwork, reading to senior citizens, singing at hospitals/senior homes
    • Helping HUNC with its election preparations, such as folding mailers

The committee decided to focus on a clean-up of the Fern Dell area of Griffith Park.  Gary Slossberg was assigned the task of contacting Susan Swan, chair of HUNC's Neighborhood and Environment committee, to get her involvement in the planning.

Other ideas for possible focus in the future included a clean-up of Garfield Street and possible collaboration between members of the St. Andrews Senior Center and students in helping with HUNC election preparation.

The committee also began discussions for Earth Day preparations for this April.  Gary Slossberg agreed to contact Heal the Bay to check into educational presentations that they can do for students in conjunction with Earth Day.  The committee needs to look into getting LaBonge's office to cover the costs of buses to FOLAR's River Clean-up. 

Adjournment at 6:56pm