finalized version adsfjhasdfds


Notes from most recent meeting:

Tuesday, February 3, 6:30 PM, was the first meeting of the year for Education and Youth. Attending were HUNC Board and E & Y committee members Chris Stehr, Walter Blackman, Andrew Glazier, Maurece Chesse and Susan Polifronio and members of the public. Chris provided us with information on the upcoming Measure R to be voted on March 2. The measure is designed to continue efforts to reduce student overcrowding and upgrade classrooms by building new neighborhood schools, repairing aging and deteriorating schools, creating smaller schools and providing an updated Police dispatch system. The information on Measure R can be accessed by going to the LAUSD Website and then clicking on Measure R. Motion by Walter Blackman to support Measure R and send to HUNC Board for approval: second Susan Polifronio. Disposition: Passed Unanimously. Next Chris discussed the loss of funds for a supply storage bin to take the place of items (xerox paper, etc.) that used to be kept in the basement. District E, in the effort to cut down on expenditures, will no longer pay for the bin and Chris is constrained from using the basement. If Chris elects to keep a storage bin for Cheremoya Ave. School this would take $1350.00 away from his funds for students. Andrew Glazier immediately stated he would set up an appointment with maintenance in District E to help resolve the problem and preserve the funds for student expenditures. Chris also stated that in May there would be recognition Day for the contributions made by Teachers, volunteers and ancillary staff. Maurece thought this would be a good opportunity for HUNC, as outreach, to help bring the Community and Cheremoya closer together. Motion by Maurece Chesse to bring this to the March HUNC Board Meeting as a Community Outreach Event. Second Andrew Glazier: Passed Unanimously. While listening to public radio, Susan Polifronio heard a program about a group in northern California that trains highschool students in energy audits and then sends them into low income households and businesses to see where they can help with conservation and help these households and businesses save money. Andrew Glazier volunteered to do the outreach to the appropriate groups and Susan Polifronio would continue follow-up on the program and training. The issue was tabled until the next Education and Youth Committee meeting. Under new business, Andrew brought up the possiblity of getting the students connected with a mural program on campuses and will look into the City grants program.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM