Animal First Aid Kit
This is the full length of the items recommended to keep in your pet-specific first aid kit, as per the American Red Cross.
Keep in mind this list is for in your home, so many items may be left behind, reduced, or improvised on the trail. Fir instance, you can leave your needlenose pliers at home if you have a multitool with pliers (a good one is multitool is the Leatherman P4 squirt). Splint material is usually plentiful in a forest.
Remember that ibuprofin and acetomitaphin are toxic to pets, so use coated aspirin or baby aspirin.
- Latex gloves
- Gauze sponges (available at most pharmacies). A variety of sizes, both large and small, are best to keep on hand.
- Roll gauze--2" width
- Roll bandages (they describe vet wrap, but don't name it specifically). Available at pharmacies, pet/animal stores, and through pet catalogs.
- Material to make a splint-- ie. sticks, wood, or newspaper
- Adhesive tape
- Non-adherant sterile pads. These can be purchased in most pharmacies.
- small scissors
- grooming clippers (available in pet stores and through pet catalogues) or a safety razor.
- nylon leash (at least one)
- towel
- Muzzle (cage muzzle is ideal, but a collapsing nylon one will do if needed, or know how to make a muzzle from gauze rolls or a leash)
- compact thermal blanket (mylar "space" blankets are good)
- pediatric rectal thermometer (may be digital)
- water based sterile lubricant (washes off easily)
- 3% hydrogen peroxide*
- rubbing alcohol
- over the counter antibiotic ointment
- epsom salts
- baby dose syringe or eye dropper (non-glass)
- sterile eye lubircant
- sterile saline eye wash
- Diphenhyramine dosage for your pet's size if approved by your veterinarian (an antihistamine)*
- glucose paste or corn syrup
- styptic powder or pencil. Pharmacies carry styptic pencils for use when people cut themselves shaving. Veterinary styptic products are sold at veterinary hospitals, pet supply stores, and through catalogues
- expired phone card to scrape away stingers (or a "loaded" phone card for calls home).
- petroleum jelly
- pen light
- clean cloth
- needle-nose pliers
- a list of emergency numbers-- veterinarian (including after hours/emergency number) and National Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435)
*has an expiration date and so needs to be replaced periodically.